Is your brand holding you back?

Every entrepreneur I’ve ever met has experienced that stuck feeling. That “what am I doing wrong?” feeling. That “why can’t I figure this out - ughhh” feeling. 

Yep, I’m willing to bet you know the one. 

There’s no way to sugarcoat it — feeling stuck in your business is pretty much the definition of frustrating. 

And when you’re in the weeds, working so hard on all the things, it can be really tough to zoom out and point your finger at WHAT exactly is holding you back. 

Especially when that thing holding you back is your BRAND. 

Here are 4 signs that your brand might be dragging you down (and that it might be time to level UP!). 

1. You’re not attracting your ideal clients. 

First impressions say a lot. If your messaging, marketing, and visual brand aren’t resonating with your dream customer, chances are they’ll keep on scrolling.

2. You’re not making the money that you really want to make.

High-paying clients want a high-touch experience. They want to feel seen and personally cared for — from the moment they land on your website home page to the moment they decide that they NEED to work with you. 

If you have big sales goals, it’s important to give your clients a “white glove” experience to invest in. 

(Wondering if your biz is providing that experience or not? Read this blog post to find out!) 

3. The traffic to your website is NIL.

Think of your website as your digital place of business. You should always be leading customers back to it. More than that, customers should always feel a reason to go back to it. 

Are your traffic numbers less than impressive? Do you find yourself cringing every time you lead someone to your site? Then it’s officially time for a branding boost. 

4. Your brand doesn’t FEEL like you. 

People grow and change, and your brand is no different. The most successful brands in the world have continued to evolve and reinvent themselves to stay relevant with their consumers.  

If your visual brand is starting to feel a little blah, trust your gut. Giving your brand a little love could be the thing that finally helps you stand out!

So, what’s holding you back, friend?

If you related to any (or all) of these 4 signs, it’s likely time to level up some aspect of your branding (copy, images, design, etc).

But hold up.

Before you dive into making the next move and investing time and energy into crafting a brand that feels more aligned. You definitely need to READ THIS!

→ ANNND if you’re ready to build a brand that catapults you forward, join the waitlist for the Brand Academy.

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Learn 6 mistakes you’re making on your website, and how you can
turn confusion into conversions! Dive in here.